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First spring campaign successfully completed

April 05, 2023
Hits: 784
First spring campaign successfully completed

The first archaeological surveys, which took place in spring 2023 from March to April, have been successfully completed. Even the weather was kind to us. Through the systematic surveys by citizen scientists and archaeologists, we were able to identify Early Neolithic settlement activity on all selected areas. Finds from other periods were also collected. We may even have discovered two new, previously unknown Neolithic sites!

The fields were systematically surveyed in groups of 4-6 participants, each led by an archaeologist, with a line distance of 10 meters. The main find materials were pieces of pottery and fragments of stone tools. Due to the large number of enthusiastic participants, the surveys went much faster than initially thought.

The second round of survey will start in late summer when the fields are free of vegetation again. In the meantime, we have started the processing of the finds. Over the sommer they will be cleaned and recorded in a database.