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First UBC milestone meeting

May 23, 2023
Hits: 748
First UBC milestone meeting

The UBC core team works in various institutions and places of work. We are in close contact via email, Whatsapp, in virtual meetings and in smaller meetings.

Nevertheless, it was now time again for a personal meeting with all participants. Today, Tuesday, was the perfect opportunity for this – a) because “Milestone 1” of our project schedule is approaching and b) because the colleagues from MUL and BOKU are visiting the Asparn Schulzentrum tomorrow, so they had to travel to the region anyway!

The meeting was relaxed and intense at the same time. We discussed the progress of the individual work packages in the MAMUZ Mistelbach auditorium well into the early evening (many thanks for the opportunity to stay so long!) and made plans for the coming months and years of the project.

After dinner, a part of the project team travelled to Asparn an der Zaya to stay the night. A surprise awaited us here: Johann and Silvia Hans invited us privately to a tour and tasting in their beautiful wine cellar offene Kellertür. Mucho gracias for this great experience!