Autumn 2023 - Surveys at five UBC sites
By Julia Längauer
After a break during summer, joint Line Walking surveys with Citizen Scientists in the northern Weinviertel have resumed and are proving to be a great success once again. After the fields were harvested, making them free for further exploration, Citizen Scientists, in collaboration with archaeologists, walked five new sites that yielded finds ranging from the early Neolithic to the Middle Ages. The extensive surveys covered several hectares, providing a broad perspective on the settlement history in the northern Weinviertel, particularly during the Linearbandkeramik period. This time, the sites were selected to offer a wider overview of various possible functions of settlements. The range included smaller, previously unknown settlement sites, special places for stone extraction, and larger settlements that are interesting due to their location at the presumed edge of settlement chambers.
Volunteers, often enthusiasts with diverse backgrounds, made an invaluable contribution to identifying artefacts and settlement structures. Due to the high number and, most importantly, the enthusiasm of the Citizen Scientists, we were able to conduct the surveys more quickly than expected. This collaborative effort highlights the valuable contribution of Citizen Scientists to archaeology and their ability to contribute to expanding the understanding of prehistoric communities.
Unfortunately, we had to temporarily suspend the surveys in December due to heavy snowfall and hope that the fields will soon be snow-free again. Meanwhile, the results of the five surveys are analysed to create a comprehensive picture of the settlement history in the northern Weinviertel.